My noon prayer messages are also from my daily journaling exercises. Please forgive any typos, sentence structure issues, and grammar. And should you find a doctrinal error please let me know because it is so very important to teach the truth of Christ Jesus our Savior. Thank you. Pastor Collins
November 5 Romans 13:6
For because of this you also pay taxes, for the authorities are ministers of God, attending to this very thing.
One of mankind Universal complaints is paying taxes. Another is complaining about how the governing authorities are spending our tax money. I am no exception. I don't necessarily complain about the taxes so much as I complain about how the money is being spent.
And if all I am doing is complaining then I am certainly sinning. There are after all, at least some of the time, channels that I can use to try to influence government spending. It makes no difference with her I think that the governing authorities are spending too much money, too little money, or spending it in the wrong places, I can give a voice to my concerns or issues by contacting city council members, school board members, state legislators, members of Congress, and even the president.
Regardless of what I do one thing I need to always remember is that these authorities, these leaders, are ministers of God. That is to say God has either put them into office or allow them to be in office for the good of his people.
In saying that I look back into the old testament and some of the leaders that were placed over God's people there. Some of them lead the people well, serving God. Others lead people into evil. One wonders about that, God allowing evil leaders over his people. But then who am I to question God?
The key however is that whenever there were evil kings then God was also sending prophets to speak his word and to call both king and people into repentance. And it seems to me that Israel in the old testament often got the kind of leader ship that they deserved.
And how frequently scripture shows God using evil and unbelieving authorities to work out his purpose. Cyrus, king of Persia, whom God called his anointed in the book of Isaiah, was responsible for the Jewish people to return to Jerusalem and to rebuild the temple after the Babylonian exile. Caesar Augustus, wanting to tax the people, was responsible for Mary and Joseph traveling to Bethlehem so that the Christ child could be born there to fulfill what God has said to the prophet Micah. Later it would be corrupt leaders of the Jews and a weak need Roman governor, Pontius Pilate, who would see to Christ's execution resulting in the salvation of all believers. Unbelievers, serving God and his purpose.
Likewise governing authorities today or serving God's purpose. Some are faithful Christians, many or not, still they are gods servants in fulfilling their offices. Therefore, as a Christian, I am called to honor them, serve in obey them, love and cherish them. I also need to pray for them, regularly, remembering always not just that they are gods servants, but that like me they are sinners for whom Christ died. And because I know that Christ has died for them also I must be patient, understanding, and forgiving.
I pray Lord God that you would help me to do these things. To pray for governing authorities no matter what their office, no matter what their political affiliation or their policies. Help me to commend them when they do those things that are pleasing in your sight, into mindfully rebuke when they do not. If I must criticize, help me to do so gently, remember that I too am a sinner. And always help me Lord to show to them, and for that matter to all who might encounter, the same love, mercy, and grace, that you have shown to me through Jesus Christ my Lord. Amen.